Friday, August 15, 2008

Negotiating your rate

Its so important in this market to understand what the going rate is for the type of work you are doing. We are living in tough times and schools are pumping out more and more hair and makeup artists every week. Rates are usually affected by several factors: supply vs. demand, your experience level, the budget, and your reputation in the industry. The one thing freelancers hate is negotiating money. There is a delicate emotional balance between wanting or needing the job and standing your ground to get paid what you are worth. The problem is that most people under-bid themselves because they don’t want to lose the job. However, every time we say yes to low pay we drive the price down. I know there is a lot of competition out there, but we all need to stop undercutting each other. Know what the rates are and don’t accept anything less. After all, your time is valuable, stand up for what you are worth!

Makeup Maverick

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm a Jersey makeup artist. 30 yrs exp. work weddings, headshots all independant. I never went to school. Funny thing though, I sometimes teach the makeup portion in the schools! The rates here vary from $65.00 by hair salon makeup artists to $180. plus. I charge $100. to 130. I sometimes don't book as brides can't always afford me. How can I figure out fair pricing in my area?